
Happy New Year 2012*

To all my TransGriot readers west of the International Date Line!

Hope you had a wonderful holiday season and as we move into 2012 I sincerely hope and pray that you will have 366 days (yep it's a leap year) of blessings and wonderful things happening for you in it.

There were also some wonderful things happening in various nations trans wise on your side of the International Date Line, and I pray that forward momentum continues.  I also hope and pray that the nations in the Asian Pacific rim that have resisted recognizing their trans citizens human rights will actually read the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Yogyakarta Principles and shed that jacked up thinking in 2012  

I also thank you for continuing to visit my blog and helping to make it the successful award winning place it is and to the best of my ability will continue to be. 

And best of all the Olympics are happening in a few months!

Hope you didn't party too hard last night because we have work to do.   Let's get busy with the ongoing challenge of not only successfully educating and enlightening people in our various nations about who we transpeople are, I pray that we get one step closer to having our human rights in our various nations be respected, protected and codified into law.